About Us
For many years now, Van Dijken Elektronica has been a trusted address for various radio amateurs and hobbyists for a wide range of electronic parts.
In the early 1980s, Hans van Dijken took the step to convert his hobby into an independent business.
In the early 1980s, sales first started from a small shop in the center of Hoogkerk. The company has been located at this location for more than 10 years. Hoogkerk’s planning developments forced van Dijken to move. As a result, a Romney-shed on the Aduarderdiepsterweg, just outside Hoogkerk was used for some time.
Shortly after the new millennium, Van Dijken Elektronica moved to a spacious, private location. The company is still located at this location.
Where sales in the 80s and 90s still took place by telephone or by mail order, this has been moved to the internet with the start of the new millennium. In 2002, the first internet site was launched with online ordering options, making Van Dijken Elektronica a pioneer in this field.
In 2014 Hans van Dijken decided to take it easy, and van Dijken Elektronica was taken over by Nico and Hennie Elzinga. Together they do their best to continue the business in the same way as before, with good old-fashioned service.
What we think is important:

Personal approach
We are a small company where personal contact is very important to us.

A correct pricing
Our offer is offered at competitive prices.

Excellent service
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Therefore not good, but excellent service.

The old shop located at the Zuiderweg in Hoogkerk

Current shop
Johan van Zwedenlaan 7a, Hoogkerk